
I want to get a refund

Refunds and cancellations are generally unavailable for digital products due to retrieval complexities. However, if you encounter issues like broken hyperlinks, errors in file downloads, or if the received product doesn't match its description, you can request a refund through our app’s chat support.
For these situations, order cancellations and refunds will be conducted in accordance with our policies below.
**Please note** The following information only applies to rare instances where refunds can be issued, such as broken hyperlinks, issues with downloading files, or discrepancies between the received product and its advertised description.

Within 72 hours of purchase

A refund for your purchase can be issued within 72 hours following the transaction, provided there's a problem with the product
After you've completed your purchase, we encourage you to examine the product for any issues immediately
Should you find an error and wish to request a refund, please do so through our dedicated support channel

After 72 hours since purchase

Refunds are not possible under any circumstances once 72 hours have passed since the purchase
Please check and ensure satisfaction with your purchase within the 72-hour window 4F, 306 Hakdong-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea