
Product cancellation/refund

Due to the difficulty of retrieving digital products, refunds and cancellations are unavailable in most cases. Nevertheless, you can request a refund via chat on our website if there is a problem with the product, such as a hyperlink that does not work, or a problem with our website, such as an error downloading files.
In such cases, order cancellation and refund are implemented according to the following regulations. We will check and process this order once you send us your email address and contact that are used in the order via chat.
**Please note** The following regulations only apply to “exceptional cases where refunds can be requested”. (When there is a problem with products or the website)

Within 3 days of payment

If a coupon or points were redeemed,
Partial refund is impossible.
You may request a full refund, but the following terms apply at the time of cancellation.
The actual amount you paid for the order will be refunded.
Coupon discount amounts used in the order will be loaded into WeBudding points.
The WeBudding points used in the order will be loaded into the WeBudding account again.
If a coupon or points were not redeemed,
A partial refund is possible, where you get refunded the amount of that product.
A full refund is possible, and the order amount will be refunded.

After 3 days of payment (When the download date has expired)

In any case, refunds are not possible, even if there are errors on the website or product.
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