
Changes to our currency policy at WeBudding

Hello, this is WeBudding, where your great journey begins!

With the launch of the WeBudding mobile app, we are planning to make improvements for better service, and there will be changes to our currency policy on November 29th KST.
Shall we take a look at what's changing?
On November 29, 2023 KST,
All products within WeBudding will be priced in 'Seeds' instead of 'Dollar’ units. The price of all products is automatically converted to Seed based on each product’s KRW price.
The above image is an example image.

Customers can only purchase products with 'Seeds' on WeBudding

All customers will need to top up with Seeds and make purchases using Seeds as follows:
The image above is an example image.

How should you enter the prices of your products?

When registering a product, if you enter the Seed price, we will automatically convert it to the US Dollar price as shown in the image below!
The above image is an example image.

The way we pay amount due to creators remains unchanged.

The amount sold in Seeds will be converted to US dollars based on the monthly Korean Won-US Dollar exchange rate before settlement.
For sales made before this update in November 2023, they will be converted and settled at the exchange rate of $1 = 1,349.21 Won (which is higher than the average).
In some cases, for creators, the monthly sales amount may have decimal points in the 'Amount Due' in Creator Admin for sales in November.
The above image is an example image.

WeBudding Customers have been informed as follows:

We apologize for any inconvenience due to the temporary suspension of WeBudding services as a result of the update to the new currency 'Seeds' in WeBudding.
WeBudding Service & Creator Admin Suspension Schedule: From 9:50 AM to 3:00 PM on November 29th KST
The suspension schedule may be subject to change due to internal reasons.
After the update, you will be able to view your sales history before this update in the Transactions and Amount Due pages.
We would like to express our gratitude to all the creators who have always been with WeBudding, and we will continue to strive to provide more valuable services!
WeBudding, where your great journey begins
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